Major/Minor Requirements

Requirements for the Major in Computer Science

Number of Units

Eight units numbered 150 or above, not including a SIP are required, in addition to the half-unit COMP 101 Introduction to Computers & Computing plus 3 mathematics cognates. Each must be earned at a grade of C- or above. The department administers a required program assessment instrument in place of a comprehensive exam.

Required Courses

COMP 101 Intro to Computers and Computing (a half-unit course)
COMP 150 Object Oriented Programming
COMP 210 Data Structures
COMP 215 Design and Analysis of Algorithms
COMP 315 Computer Organization

Four additional computer science courses at the 300-level or higher.

Required Cognates

MATH 112 Calculus I
MATH 250 Discrete Mathematics
One other Mathematics Course, not including MATH-110

Additional Recommendations

Just as the study of computer science enriches the liberal arts, the study of arts, humanities, and social sciences enrich computer scientists. All students are encouraged to take a broad range of courses across the liberal arts, including at least one writing-intensive course.

Students who plan graduate work in computer science are expected to take additional computer science and mathematics courses appropriate to their interests.  COMP 400 (Automata) is particularly recommended.

Requirements for the Minor in Computer Science

Number of Units

Six units in Computer Science plus 2 mathematics cognates are required, not including a SIP. Each must be earned at a grade of C- or above.

Required Courses

COMP 101 Intro to Computers & Computing (a half-unit course)
COMP 150 Object Oriented Programming
COMP 210 Data Structures
COMP 215 Design and Analysis of Algorithms or COMP 315 Computer Organization

At least 2.5 additional computer science courses.

Required Cognates

MATH 112 Calculus I
MATH 250 Discrete Mathematic